When you’ve decided upon some nice new decking for your home you’ll need the help of a deck fastening system. Blacktalon’s universal deck fastener is suitable for all profiled deck boards, ensuring a perfectly smooth surface. They are constructed from 301 hard stainless steel alloy, and will keep your decking tightly together, even during expansion, contraction, and sub-structure movement.
Our universal hidden deck fasteners system features a proprietary leg design that holds each hidden deck clip in place during installation, whilst maintaining a consistent gap between your boards. Universal hidden deck fasteners make it super easy to access the screws you need to tighten or replace a board, whilst being very inconspicuous. Our universal deck fasteners have been treated with black oxide to reduce visibility from the top of your decking. Twelve years of specialist industry experience has gone into the design of our universal deck fasteners so we can be fully confident that we have a product that is easy to install, that makes your decking look fantastic, and ensures a perfect fit every time, eliminating any pre-drilling that’s typically associated with hardwood and composite deck boards.
Frequently Asked Questions
A Universal deck fastener makes it quick and easy to install your decking, eliminating the need for nails or screws, giving you a superior, sleek wooden floor finish. They are constructed from 301 full-hard stainless-steel alloy, supporting the hidden clips that hold your deck boards together.
It is very straightforward to use Blacktalon universal hidden deck fasteners. First, lay down your deck boards, then attach our hidden deck fasteners to your joists, and install any additional accessories that you may need (such as clips) – It’s as easy as that, and you don’t need to pre-drill your composite / hardwood deck boards.
BlackTalon design and produces premium quality universal deck fasteners which will keep your deck boards firmly in place, even despite any natural expansion and contraction. We supply our universal deck fastening systems through regional distributors via your local retailer. Check your local DIY outlet, or view a list of approved retailers on our website.

- Universal design that will work with any profiled deck board.
- Proven design with over 20 years of field experience.
- Unique designed clip that holds wood deck boards tight while moving with deck board and not fatiguing over time.
- Fast, efficient and easy to install.
- Virtually eliminates all pre-drilling associated with hardwoods or composites.
- Easy to access screw to tighten or replace board.
- 170 clips, 175 screws and a driver bit.
- Boxes will cover 100 sq ft with nominal 6″ deck board and 16″ joist spacing.
- Cases are packed 18 box master case.
Contact BlackTalon Today
Contact Black Talon Universal today by calling (503) 780-2876 or fill out and submit the form below.